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The owner of ToothShower LLC, Lisa Guenst, was the Grand Prize Winner in the West Chester University Business Idea Pitch 2017 and first place winner in the Temple University, Fox School of Business, Business Plan Competition 2017. Her company then went on to raise over $375,000 in crowdfunding to prove there is a market for […]

The post ToothShower Wins Not One but TWO Business Plan Competitions! appeared first on ToothShower.

  • 1 min read

Most people are familiar with biofilm, even if they haven’t heard that term for it. Biofilm is another word for plaque buildup. When plaque forms over the teeth, it eventually becomes a film of bacteria that sticks to the surface of the teeth. It’s not visible to the naked eye, and good brushing habits alone […]

The post What is Biofilm on Your Teeth? appeared first on ToothShower.

  • 3 min read
  • 3 min read
  • 3 min read

Tobacco smoking dates all the way back to 5000 BC, used in the Americas during Shamanistic rituals. It wasn’t until the arrival of the European in the 16th century that the growth, use, and trading of tobacco become popular. Following the reconstruction era of the United States, the cultivation of tobacco was at a high […]

The post Vaping and Your Oral Health appeared first on ToothShower.

  • 4 min read

Smiling is one of the beautiful things that make us human, and science shows that it’s actually good for you. Research has shown that smiling “spurs a chemical reaction in the brain, releasing certain hormones including dopamine and serotonin.”1 And what’s the best way to inspire confidence in your smile? By rocking a set of […]

The post Top Teeth Whitening Methods appeared first on ToothShower.

  • 4 min read

There are few things on television or movies that are more unrealistic than when a couple wakes up in bed and proceeds to make out as if they were in 8th grade.  Has the director never heard of morning dragon breath? It’s something embarrassing we all deal with. And, realistically, after 8 hours of bacteria percolating […]

The post How to Prevent Bad Breath appeared first on ToothShower.

  • 7 min read
